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Unlock the Power of NLP and AI for Educational Development

At ADDNLP, we believe that NLP and AI can be a powerful tool for educational development. Our team of experts can help you develop custom models that can assist with language learning, text summarization, and more. With our help, you can take your educational programs to the next level.

Our educational development services are designed to help you meet the unique challenges of the education industry. We understand the importance of personalized learning and can help you develop models that can adapt to individual students' needs and preferences. We can also help you automate time-consuming tasks, such as grading and feedback, so that your teachers can focus on what they do best - teaching.

Our team has experience working with a wide range of educational institutions, from K-12 schools to universities. We can help you develop solutions for a variety of educational needs, including:

Training and Education Services

Our team not only provides educational development services but also offers training and education services to help your team learn more about NLP and AI in the educational field. We offer workshops, seminars, and customized training programs that can help your team stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in this exciting field.

Our training and education services are designed to be interactive and engaging. We believe that the best way to learn is through hands-on experience, so we provide plenty of opportunities for your team to practice what they have learned.

We can tailor our training and education programs to meet your specific needs and goals. Whether you are looking to introduce your team to the basics of NLP and AI or want to dive deeper into a specific topic, we can help.

If you are interested in learning more about our educational development and training services, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is passionate about using NLP and AI to improve education and is eager to help you achieve your goals.

You can reach us by phone or email, and we will be happy to schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and how we can help.



17 Bell House, 535 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong


+852 5649 4865