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Large Language Models

Unlock the power of BERT, OPT, and Bloom with our expert assistance. Our team can help you integrate these advanced language models into your NLP and AI projects. We can also provide custom development services to help you build your own large language models.

Our Services

Expert Assistance

At ADDNLP, we specialize in helping our clients unlock the power of advanced language models such as BERT, OPT, and Bloom. Our team of NLP and AI experts can provide you with expert assistance in integrating these models into your projects. Whether you are working on a chatbot, a sentiment analysis tool, or any other NLP or AI application, we can help you take advantage of these powerful tools.

Our expert assistance services include:

Contact us today to learn more about our expert assistance services for large language models.

Custom Development

If you need a custom large language model for your project, our team can help. We have extensive experience in developing custom language models for a variety of NLP and AI applications. Whether you need a model for a specific language, domain, or task, we can help you build a model that meets your exact requirements.

Our custom development services include:

Technologies We Use

Contact us today to learn more about our custom development services for large language models.



17 Bell House, 535 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong


+852 5649 4865